How It Works
Many unique globes of Earth created by artists are circulating the world. Each one is numbered and linked to its own page on this Carry the Earth website. The globes pass from hand to hand around the planet inspiring the carriers of Earth to donate actions that help the environment and post their story on these blogsites. These stories become woven into a timeline of the path of their globe on its journey. You can follow any of the globes by going to Globes in Motion and choose a globe to follow. If you are inspired by the deeds of carriers of Earth but have not received a globe, add your name to our Request A Globe list and/or post your thoughts and actions and join our discussion on Facebook.
When you receive a globe and “the earth is in your hands,” you are given the task of thinking about your home planet and what nature means to you in your location on the earth. What are your biggest environmental concerns? Then think about what you can do to address those concerns in a way that expresses who you are–your individuality, your interests, your expertise, your talents and skills. This reflective process helps us all realize how we can contribute in our own way.


Plan actions to address your concerns. These actions can be small or large, whatever you choose and whatever you feel capable of, something that would benefit the environment, expresses yourself, and inspires others. Innovation and original thought are encouraged. If you are stuck for ideas check these out.
Check out what others have done when the earth was in their hands.
Post your thoughts, your story, and your deeds–text and photographs –on the blog page that matches your globe by going to Globes in Motion and finding and clicking on your globe. These blogs act as ongoing diaries, one for each circulating globe, and a place for their carriers to post their stories and actions chronologically. You can follow any of the globes by going to Globes in Motion and read about what others have done when the earth was in their hands.


Find a friend, relative or colleague, a teacher, mentor, or neighbor who would welcome a chance to carry the earth or contact a service group or community organization. Pass the globe to them as soon as you’ve registered for your blog. If you need help finding the next carrier, contact us. Globes will be continuously mapped and their caretaker’ stories recorded for all to see.